The Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in the spectacularly re-appointed Wakefield Cathedral.. Programme Responses: William Byrd Canticles: Judith Weir Anthem: William Byrd, 'Emendemus in melius'
Service of Choral Evensong As part of their Norwich tour, Summer 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in Norwich Cathedral. . . Programme To be confirmed
As part of their Norwich tour, Summer 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral eucharist in Norwich Cathedral. Programme To be confirmed
Service of Choral Evensong As part of their Norwich tour, Summer 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in Norwich Cathedral. . . Programme To be confirmed
Service of Choral Evensong As part of their Norwich tour, Summer 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in Norwich Cathedral. . . Programme To be confirmed
Service of Choral Evensong As part of their Norwich tour, Summer 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in Norwich Cathedral. . . Programme To be confirmed
Programme to be announced There will be a retiring collection to help defray the cost of putting on this concert series. A sandwich lunch is served from 12.45pm
Clothworkers Consort of Leeds celebrates its fifteenth anniversary with a concert mixing old and new. In the first half of the programme the current choir sings Heinrich Schütz’s Deutsches Magnificat, and Mic Spencer’s Diptyque, written for the group in 2005. In the second half, the current choir will be joined by former members to perform Tallis’ forty-part motet, Spem...
Service of Choral Evensong, Hereford Cathedral As part of their Hereford tour 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in Hereford Cathedral. . . Programme Responses: Kenneth Leighton Canticles: Thomas Tomkins, The Third ('Great') Service Anthem: Orlando Gibbons, Almighty and Everlasting God
Service of Choral Evensong As part of their Hereford tour 2017, the Clothworkers Consort of Leeds sings choral evensong in Hereford Cathedral. . . Programme Responses: Kenneth Leighton Canticles: Philip Wilby, The Knaresborough Service Anthem: Hugo Distler, Singet dem Herrn